Analyse bioinformatique des séquences

Exemple de fonctionnement des différents logiciels de phylogénie dans GCG :


Distances creates a table of the pairwise distances within a group of
aligned sequences.

DISTANCES for what aligned sequences ? cah.msf{*}

Begin (* 1 *) ?
End (* 321 *) ?

Reading sequences...
cahp_mouse: 321 total, 321 read
cahp_human: 321 total, 321 read
cah5_human: 321 total, 321 read
cah5_mouse: 321 total, 321 read
cah3_mouse: 321 total, 321 read
cah3_rat: 321 total, 321 read
cah3_human: 321 total, 321 read

Distances will be computed for 19 protein sequences.

Which distance correction method to use ?

1 Uncorrected distance
2 Jukes-Cantor distance
3 Kimura protein distance

Choose the method to use: (* 3 *)

What should I call the distance matrix file (* cah.distances *) ?

Computing distances using Kimura method...

1 x 2: 1.75 1 x 3: 138.50
1 x 4: 141.50 1 x 5: 123.16
1 x 6: 119.76 1 x 7: 116.49
1 x 8: 121.44 1 x 9: 107.90

17 x 18: 26.11 17 x 19: 46.46
18 x 19: 39.10

Statistics on pairwise distances:

66 of 171 pairs have distances exceeding 70.0.


GrowTree creates a phylogenetic tree from a distance matrix created by
Distances using either the UPGMA or neighbor-joining method. You can create
a text or graphics output file.

gcg%growtree -CHE

Minimal Syntax: % growtree [-INfile=]hum_gtr.distances -Default

Prompted Parameters:
[-OUTfile=]hum_gtr.trees output file of tree information in Newick's
8:45 format
-MENu=1 allows choice of neighbor-joining or UPGMA
-DENsity=20.0 number of sequences per 100 pu in the tree plot

Local Data Files: None

Optional Parameters:

-NONEGative resets negative branch lengths to zero
-NOBRanch suppresses reporting branch lengths in trees file
-ROUND reports branch lengths in trees file to nearest integer
-NOPLOt suppresses graphical display of tree
-ORDer=0 method for ordering sequences in tree display
-TREEFORMat=1 format to use in drawing the tree

All GCG graphics programs accept these and other switches. See the Using
Graphics chapter of the USERS GUIDE for descriptions.

-FIGure[=FileName] stores plot in a file for later input to FIGURE
-FONT=3 draws all text on the plot using font 3
-COLor=1 draws entire plot with pen in stall 1
-SCAle=1.2 enlarges the plot by 20 percent (zoom in)
-XPAN=10.0 moves plot to the right 10 platen units (pan right)
-YPAN=10.0 moves plot up 10 platen units (pan up)
-PORtrait rotates plot 90 degrees

Add what to the command line ?

What is the distance matrix ? cah.distances

Which method to use ?

1 Neighbor-joining

Choose the method to use: (* 1 *)
What should I call the trees file (* cah.trees *) ?

17 internal, 19 terminal nodes

The minimum density for a one-page plot is 12.7 taxa/100 platen units.
What density do you want (* 12.7 *) ?

That will take 1 page. Is this all right (* yes *) ?

HPGL instructions for a HP7550 are now being sent to PlotPort.

gcg%more cah.trees

[ Trees from file: cah.distances ]

begin trees;
utree Tree_1 = (((('cahp_mouse':1.22,'cahp_human':0.53):78.67,('cah5_human'
gcg%8 janvier, 2008ard
Peut être repris dans NJplot (représentation graphique sur
MAC ou PC distribué avec Clustalw), Treetool, ...


Sortie graphique des arbres (et autres graphiques GCG)

Configurer GCG pour avoir une sortie graphique

* tektronix (telnet)

* postscript

Une première fois il est nécessaire d'importer dans le
répertoire principal
(~user) le fichier de configuration des "drivers" graphiques de GCG :
gcg% fetch .gcgmydevices

La sélection du "driver" graphique s'effectue par la commande
gcg% setplot
choisir la sortie avec les flèches ( [arrowdown] ou [arrowup])

* Transférer le fichier résultat ( avec la
commande ftp et imprimer le avec Drop-PS

Ecran suivant

© Université de TOURS - GENET

Document modifié, le 21 novembre, 2006